
Relaxation courses are about experiential learning that is supported by guided exercises during meetings and at home, handouts and suggestions for home practice, as well as sharing and learning together. For most people, the small-group context of a course is the most appropriate context for learning about the pathways to relaxation I teach. Regularly meeting with others can support your motivation, and also offers inspiration and a broader perspective on experiential learning as you hear from others about how they are practising and their experience.

Most courses and workshops take place at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre. The workshops are usually course-related and open to anyone who has done that course. Some workshops are held online (zoom).

Gentle Movement and Yoga Nidra
17 February to 14 April
Mondays 5:30-7 pm

Autogenic Training
12 May to 14 July
Mondays 5.30-7 pm

upcoming courses and workshops

Introductory Course - Explore Relaxation Methods
Introducing a range of relaxation traditions through specific exercises and background information, the course offers an experiential learning environment where you can find out what type of practice might suit you.
Includes active relaxation traditions (gentle movement relaxations), autogenics, breath relaxation, progressive muscle relaxation, relaxation-oriented meditation, yoga nidra, as well as ways of using mindfulness and your imagination to support your practice.

Training Course - Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Comprehensive training in progressive muscle relaxation, supported by elements of active relaxation, mindfulness and positive emotion training.

Training Course - Autogenics
Comprehensive autogenic training, supported by elements of active relaxation, mindfulness and positive emotion training.

Training Course - Somatic Movement & Yoga Nidra
Training in two relaxation pathways that emphasise flow and play: yoga nidra and gentle somatic movement exercises from the Feldenkrais tradition.

Intermediate - Going Deeper
For experienced relaxation practitioners who want to support their personal practice and explore ways of ‘going deeper’:
using autogenics, gentle movement relaxation, progressive muscle relaxation, yoga nidra (prerequisites) and meditation to explore dimensions of consciousness/the unconscious for deeper bodymind integration and inner freedom.